Saturday, May 10, 2008

The clock is ticking... Tree

We are officially one week away from the beginning of the ride. Mark and Susan are in Louisiana right now doing the first annual LA EMS Memorial Bike Ride!

I've been busy this week getting my bike ready for the trip. I got some new biking shoes (my old one were making my toes go numb and they were about 8-10 years old...), put a computer on my bike so I don't have to ask others, "HOW MANY MORE MILES IS IT?", as well as getting a new rear derailleur (the thing on the rear wheel that moves the chain). My old derailleur caused a lot of mechanical issues last year. And then on top of that, I borrowed a set of wheels I had sold to a friend that are much LIGHTER than mine. Sounds like this 600 miles should be a breeze! (Insert sarcasm here).

Susan and I fly out of Austin on Tuesday (the 13th) and the guys begin their roadtrip that day, as well. See you in New York!

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