Sunday, May 18, 2008

You won't believe this... Tree

Today as I jumped into the Northstar truck after calling it quits in the rain, Blainne jumps in, as well on the other side of the backseat. He says, "did you hear your phone ringing?" I said, "no, not between that wind and rain! Why, what's up?!" He said, "I was locked in the trailer!" A mile back, as we left Philadelphia, Blainne was in their trailer grabbing Carl's bike (all of Team Maine) so that Carl could ride as Blainne was going to sit this leg out. Blainne said the next thing he knew, Carl grabbed his bike and soon after, the doors closed and locked. Blainne started pounding on the doors yelling at Carl to quit what he thought was a joke. Soon after, he heard the truck start. Oh, oh. Then, the procession began to move again. He gave up banging as all the emergency vehicle escorts started their sirens and airhorns. Of course, it was completely dark inside the trailer but Blainne finally found his phone even with a bunch of luggage and bike gear falling on him. He called Dave Page from Minnesota who was also riding (but always answers his phone) but after seven tries, he stopped (no answer). Then he tried me, no luck. Then, he found Mike Potasso's phone number (of FDNY). Finally! Mike was not riding today so he knew he'd get a hold of him. On the fourth try, he finally got a hold of him. Blainne said, "Tell the Northstar truck to stop, I'm locked in the trailer!" Mike pauses and says, "you're locked in the trailer?!" Then, Blainne hears laughing in the background and into the phone. Blainne (in his Massachusetts accent) says, "IT'S NOT FUNNY!" And in his thick New York accent, Mike says, "Yes it is!"

Hahahahahahahaha!!!! Aaaaaahhhhhh.... Well, I guess you had to be there....

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