Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Day 5: Manassa, Virginia to Shenandoah National Park, Virginia

This is Matt, Tree's boyfriend! Tree does not have access to the Internet tonight but wanted me to make a quick post to keep everyone updated.

The team rode about 75 miles today and ended up at the top of a mountain in Shenandoah National Park. It was a very rough ride and most of the riders stopped before the main climb. Tree toughed it out until she could not take it anymore about 5 miles before the end. She got a ride to their bungalow and is hopefully sleeping soundly right now.

The team is staying "above the clouds" in the park and it is in the 30s tonight! Everyone on the Austin team is doing well but all are tired and happy to be off their bikes for the night.

Tree said that she will blog tomorrow to tell you about day 6 of the ride! I personally admire Tree and the entire team's dedication! You are amazing! Hang in there - our thoughts and love are with you!

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